Bad Characters Peter Stanley 9781741964806 Books

Bad Characters Peter Stanley 9781741964806 Books
The material or subject matter was well researched and the facts well presented. I feel personally that if the correct punctuation had have been used throughout the book, it would have been much easier to read.New lines for a new sentence would have been easier to follow perhaps.
Good story, one side of the AIF that not a lot of Australians had heard about before.

Tags : Bad Characters [Peter Stanley] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Australians have celebrated the Anzacs for nearly a century-but what do we really know of what war did to them? Charles Bean,Peter Stanley,Bad Characters,Pier 9 (murdoch Books Pty),1741964806,HY339330
Bad Characters Peter Stanley 9781741964806 Books Reviews
This is a wonderful book that shines a long-overdue light on discipline - or perhaps the lack of it - in the Australian Imperial Force. It's written with a sense of affection for the soldiers and is often rather amusing. Most people would learn a great deal from a book like this.
Didn't enjoy this one bit
I agree with other posters, that although a new and easy-reading look at the darker sides of the newish trendy subject of the "ANZAC myth", a lot of potential stories on individuals seem to end just when they are beginning.At first I assumed that this was only going to be the pattern of the intro chapters, but passing page 100 now, and it is still the layout of the writing.Obviously the book is designed to stay 'fast moving" , but it perhaps would be better if moved a little in the direction of the style of 'Boy Soldiers of the Great war" and that book about the 300+ executions in the WW1 British army.It needs to be less magaziney, and more depth.
Actually many magazine/newspaper articles would have more depth, albeit obviously a lot less less breadth.
Peter Stanley sets out in stark detail aspects of the conduct of and nature of the First AIF that, at times, had me cringing with embarrassment. The citizen-soldiery of the First (and Second) AIF formed an army and fought in a manner that was peculiarly their own; owing to who they were and the society from where they came. Stanley is at pains not to tar them all with the same brush but makes it plain that there was a very high incidence of military indiscipline and civil crime in the First AIF that tarnished the image of the whole force but was, for the most part, redeemed by their outstanding military achievements. However, they wore out their welcome in many places in the Middle East, UK and France.
By any standards of military conduct of the day (and now), they lacked formal discipline; mainly because they saw no point or benefit in it and, they were not disposed to shedding the rights of the individual they had established and enjoyed at home. Another factor was that they were quickly disabused of any belief in British military competence and so-called "pluck" attributed to the Poms. AIF members are on record as describing the Tommy soldier as "bovine" and blindly obedient to authority. Given the cultural differences between Australia and the UK, little wonder that the British could not cope with the Australians. The contempt and derision of British pomposity and class-distinction was demonstrated by the practice of "counting" those who treated them in such manner. An amazing response that must have resulted in a state of apoplexy on the part of those British personnel subjected to and witnessing the practice. The Australians,remember, became "jack" of having to recapture ground given up by relieving British formations or a failure to press forward when alongside AIF formations. Not an uncommon experience that coloured their attitude towards the British and their form of military discipline and performance. Following early massive defeats and casualties, Britain too, had a largely citizen army that was kept "under the thumb" by a rigid class system. AIF discipline was rock-solid where it counted; on the battlefield - and it was there in abundance. Relaxed, "civilian" attitudes were considered to be entirely appropriate by the citizen soldiers of the AIF when not at the front.
There can be no denial of the undisciplined nature of the AIF and Stanley has given good service to his adopted country by making the unpalatable facts and reality more widely known and recognised - especially with respect to the desertion rates and incidence of civil crime - coupled in the Middle East with blatant racism and, particularly, offences committed against civilians. Stanley has dealt with these highly unpalatable and disturbing facts in an unapologetic, fact-based and frank manner. Highly recommended.
This was a book that needed to be written, if only to show that not all the Diggers were rushing to go over the top. Although the book tended to be a bit repetitive, I found the stories interesting. I had thought that if would be stories of specific diggers but it was more generalised with only snippets of certain soldiers named. I found some of the deeds repugnant but have chosen not to judge men who were brutalized by a war that never seemed to end. This is a must for any war buff.
The material or subject matter was well researched and the facts well presented. I feel personally that if the correct punctuation had have been used throughout the book, it would have been much easier to read.
New lines for a new sentence would have been easier to follow perhaps.
Good story, one side of the AIF that not a lot of Australians had heard about before.

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