Green Arrow Vol 4 The Kill Machine The New 52 Jeff Lemire Andrea Sorrentino Books

Green Arrow Vol 4 The Kill Machine The New 52 Jeff Lemire Andrea Sorrentino Books
When Green Arrow was first created, he was a knock-off of Batman. He had the Arrow-Cave, Arrow-Car, and numerous arrow-themed equipment. It wasn't until writer Dennis O'Neil and Artist Neil Adams in the 1970s turned around and made him into an older, working class social hero, who stood up for the little guys in America. This new alliteration of the character has become the most popular and most established version yet to this day. But around 2011, DC rebooted their whole character lines for the New 52. Our beloved Oliver Queen who we all recognized for 40 years was reverted to a early-to-mid twenties playboy hero, and although I didn't mind it, it just did not work out from the company and fans outlooks. Numerous creative teams shuffled in for awhile and still nothing worked. Until Ann Nocenti had a decent amount of time on the title that lasted volumes 2 and 3 and that REALLY didn't work. Who can step up and change Green Arrow into the character he was supposed to be from the start of the New 52 that was fresh and different from past versions and readers can get behind? Answer: Jeff Lemire.Jeff Lemire has become one of the hottest writers in the New 52 and comic world, with his work on Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E, and numerous other works in Vertigo like Sweet Tooth and Trillium. And now Lemire gets his hands on Green Arrow with I, Vampire artist Andrea Sorrentino to make a very new series new and old readers on the character can jump on.
GREEN ARROW VOL.4: THE KILL MACHINE collects issues #17 - #24 and Green Arrow #23.1. Issues 17 - 21 make up the "Kill Machine" arc, issues 22-23 the "Shado" arc, and issues #23.1 and 24 is the origin of a super villain I do not want to spoil.
Oliver Queen's company is going under and Oliver wants to know why by the company's boss and Oliver's friend, Emerson. Emerson leaves some vague information that the company is collapsing for a reason, in that everything in Oliver's life has some design around it from his dead father, Robert Queen. And just when Oliver is to push Emerson's vague statement, Emerson gets assassinated right in front of Oliver and Oliver gets framed for the death. Now wanted from the law, Oliver's world is crashing down around him and a new mysterious archer named Komodo is in town to dispose of Oliver, he's going to find his entire life is a lie and will need to start over again and find the truth of just what is going on.
Starting at issue #17, Lemire makes the bold (and highly preferred) choice of wiping all past 17 issues out the door. This makes Lemire's GA a true reboot for the New 52 Oliver Queen that new and old readers can jump on from the start without having to know what happened prior. There are a few nods to GA knowing the Justice League (and Justice League of America) and some other little nods to what he's done in other comics, but nothing will sidetrack you. This is a reboot so any and all readers who want to try out Green Arrow can do so.
Lemire makes this series way more grittier, with hints of espionage, mystery, twist and turns, and action in-between by stripping GA down to nothing. He's on the run from a much superior archer Komodo, his whole life is a lie, and he has to get out of Starling City and find his true path and birthright from a conspiracy that will lead into a war for Starling City and against a secret society that are similar to Oliver. This makes the new direction of GA under Jeff Lemire a refreshing thing. One that should have been from the start of the New 52. It completely makes GA a new mythology like never before that old fans might want to try out.
Art is solely provided by I, Vampire fame Andrea Sorrentino and helps to convey the new world GA is in. I loved Sorrentino's art for I, Vampire because it's utterly dark and gritty, and although it took me some time to adjust to his work a bit for GA, I think it matches the tone perfectly. Some stunning black-and-white freeze-frames, to some of the most gorgeous splash pages you'll see when Oliver runs into one of his oldest villains redone in the New 52 that I find quite menacing. 9 issues and Sorrentino does each one. It is amazing to see that in this world full of fill-in artist.
If there is any flaws is the initial setup of how Oliver gets framed. It's pretty dull to see Emerson get killed by a pierced arrow in his back, get pulled out of a glass window on a skyscraper and everyone just assumes Oliver did that much collateral damage with his barehands? Don't you think police forensics would of figured that part out? I know it's to push the plot forward, but I find though setup a little poorly done there, Lemire. And Sorrentino's art is bleak. Some times characters can look alike and get slightly confusing from his art style.
But considering 17 issues of where Green Arrow was before in the New 52, GREEN ARROW VOL.4: THE KILL MACHINE is a whole new ball game. This is what Green Arrow should have been from the start. A fresh new take allows for a new mythology with noir and grit, some good scenes, lovely art from Sorrentino, and plenty of issues for the buck. Sure, Ollie's frame up with poorly done, but this is so much better then before. If you're a fan of Green Arrow and ashamed of it before, give this a try. And new readers are welcomed to join along. Things are going to get real interesting when Ollie finally goes back to the island in Green Arrow Vol. 5: The Outsiders War (The New 52) (The New 52: Green Arrow).

Tags : Green Arrow Vol. 4: The Kill Machine (The New 52) (9781401246907): Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino: Books,Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino,Green Arrow Vol. 4: The Kill Machine (The New 52),DC Comics,1401246907,COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS Superheroes.,Comic books, strips, etc,Comic books, strips, etc.,Graphic novels,Graphic novels.,Green Arrow (Fictitious character),Superhero comic books, strips, etc,Superheroes,COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS Superheroes,Comics & Graphic Novels,Fiction,Fiction-Graphic Novels,GRAPHIC WORKS FICTION,General Adult,Graphic novels: superheroes & super-villains,Monograph Series, any,United States,bisacsh,graphic novel; comics; superhero; superheroes; comic books; comic; supernatural; monsters; sci-fi; pop culture; graphic; alien; geek; adventure; crime; graphic novels; graphic novels for adults; graphic novels for kids 12-15; geek gifts; graphic novels for teens; superhero books; nerd; nerd gifts; superhero book; superhero comics; gifts for comic book fans; gifts for comic book lovers; comic gifts; comic book gifts; girl power; dystopia; demons; mystery; hellboy; dark horse; pop art; gaming; dinosaurs; aliens; post apocalyptic; occult,superheroes;superhero;geek;graphic novels;comic books;graphic novel;graphic novels for adults;graphic novels for kids 12-15;geek gifts;graphic novels for teens;superhero books;nerd;nerd gifts;superhero book;superhero comics;gifts for comic book fans;gifts for comic book lovers;comic gifts;comic book gifts;comics;comic;sci-fi;girl power;graphic;dystopia;demons;adventure;mystery;alien;hellboy;dark horse;monsters;crime;pop art;gaming;dinosaurs;supernatural;aliens;post apocalyptic;occult;pop culture
Green Arrow Vol 4 The Kill Machine The New 52 Jeff Lemire Andrea Sorrentino Books Reviews
Truly great stuff. I'll be the first to say that green arrow wasn't always my fave hero. It wasn't until I got into the show Arrow that I realized how cool the character is. I also loved the version they had in justice league unlimited. Since Arrow started getting crappy around season 3 onwards, I turned to the books for a good fix on the character. My fiancee got me GA Year one and it got me thirsty for more green arrow goodness
I skipped the first 3 volumes cause the reviews were not that great. I'm glad I went straight into this one tho. Its a classic story, Ollie loses all his money, and the guy who stole it is making his life a living hell. His enemy is relentless and theres a lot going on that Ollie isnt aware of. Apparently his skill at archery are part of a much bigger plot involving clans that revolve a single weapon The arrow clan, The axe clan, The sword clan, and etc
I wish the show used more from the source material like this. This is truly great stuff if you want a gripping story that doesn't revolve around ollie's relationship with felicity
Green Arrow had a bit of a poor start in the New 52. It really wasn't until this run Jeff Lemire started that he began to have a good story to his name again, and have no doubt, this is, at the very least, able to be called good. Whether or not it's what you're looking for in a Green Arrow story, though, is a little more up in the air.
There are several similarities to Katana's (not short enough)-lived run in the New 52, with a gritty-art style, and the use of the weapon-based clans, although thankfully things worked out better here. Art is consistent throughout the whole book, and has more than a couple very interesting visual ideas near the end of this volume. The mystical clans are also better fleshed out here, despite only appearing later on. Unlike the aforementioned Katana series, you do get a sense of what each group you see stands for.
Where the mid-score stands with this one question It may be a decent story, but is it a decent Green Arrow story? It really will be hard to say for someone else. I myself was still not won over. The supporting cast, while never offensive or awful, just doesn't feel up to par with older characters like Black Canary, Speedy, or Mia. Additionally, the book leans a little too heavily at moments of mirroring Arrow, if in individual moments and not in plot. And simply put, Oliver just still doesn't feel like the Oliver Queen I'm used to reading. He's much younger, much less capable, and not quite as smart as he was before; while this is definitely building towards a stronger character, it just isn't a growth I'm interested in seeing play out.
All in all, there is enough to like in this book to balance out the qualities I was not as fond of. If you are going to pick up the New 52 series in any capacity, go ahead and start here; Lemire's run is the best place to judge this incarnation of the character.
When Green Arrow was first created, he was a knock-off of Batman. He had the Arrow-Cave, Arrow-Car, and numerous arrow-themed equipment. It wasn't until writer Dennis O'Neil and Artist Neil Adams in the 1970s turned around and made him into an older, working class social hero, who stood up for the little guys in America. This new alliteration of the character has become the most popular and most established version yet to this day. But around 2011, DC rebooted their whole character lines for the New 52. Our beloved Oliver Queen who we all recognized for 40 years was reverted to a early-to-mid twenties playboy hero, and although I didn't mind it, it just did not work out from the company and fans outlooks. Numerous creative teams shuffled in for awhile and still nothing worked. Until Ann Nocenti had a decent amount of time on the title that lasted volumes 2 and 3 and that REALLY didn't work. Who can step up and change Green Arrow into the character he was supposed to be from the start of the New 52 that was fresh and different from past versions and readers can get behind? Answer Jeff Lemire.
Jeff Lemire has become one of the hottest writers in the New 52 and comic world, with his work on Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E, and numerous other works in Vertigo like Sweet Tooth and Trillium. And now Lemire gets his hands on Green Arrow with I, Vampire artist Andrea Sorrentino to make a very new series new and old readers on the character can jump on.
GREEN ARROW VOL.4 THE KILL MACHINE collects issues #17 - #24 and Green Arrow #23.1. Issues 17 - 21 make up the "Kill Machine" arc, issues 22-23 the "Shado" arc, and issues #23.1 and 24 is the origin of a super villain I do not want to spoil.
Oliver Queen's company is going under and Oliver wants to know why by the company's boss and Oliver's friend, Emerson. Emerson leaves some vague information that the company is collapsing for a reason, in that everything in Oliver's life has some design around it from his dead father, Robert Queen. And just when Oliver is to push Emerson's vague statement, Emerson gets assassinated right in front of Oliver and Oliver gets framed for the death. Now wanted from the law, Oliver's world is crashing down around him and a new mysterious archer named Komodo is in town to dispose of Oliver, he's going to find his entire life is a lie and will need to start over again and find the truth of just what is going on.
Starting at issue #17, Lemire makes the bold (and highly preferred) choice of wiping all past 17 issues out the door. This makes Lemire's GA a true reboot for the New 52 Oliver Queen that new and old readers can jump on from the start without having to know what happened prior. There are a few nods to GA knowing the Justice League (and Justice League of America) and some other little nods to what he's done in other comics, but nothing will sidetrack you. This is a reboot so any and all readers who want to try out Green Arrow can do so.
Lemire makes this series way more grittier, with hints of espionage, mystery, twist and turns, and action in-between by stripping GA down to nothing. He's on the run from a much superior archer Komodo, his whole life is a lie, and he has to get out of Starling City and find his true path and birthright from a conspiracy that will lead into a war for Starling City and against a secret society that are similar to Oliver. This makes the new direction of GA under Jeff Lemire a refreshing thing. One that should have been from the start of the New 52. It completely makes GA a new mythology like never before that old fans might want to try out.
Art is solely provided by I, Vampire fame Andrea Sorrentino and helps to convey the new world GA is in. I loved Sorrentino's art for I, Vampire because it's utterly dark and gritty, and although it took me some time to adjust to his work a bit for GA, I think it matches the tone perfectly. Some stunning black-and-white freeze-frames, to some of the most gorgeous splash pages you'll see when Oliver runs into one of his oldest villains redone in the New 52 that I find quite menacing. 9 issues and Sorrentino does each one. It is amazing to see that in this world full of fill-in artist.
If there is any flaws is the initial setup of how Oliver gets framed. It's pretty dull to see Emerson get killed by a pierced arrow in his back, get pulled out of a glass window on a skyscraper and everyone just assumes Oliver did that much collateral damage with his barehands? Don't you think police forensics would of figured that part out? I know it's to push the plot forward, but I find though setup a little poorly done there, Lemire. And Sorrentino's art is bleak. Some times characters can look alike and get slightly confusing from his art style.
But considering 17 issues of where Green Arrow was before in the New 52, GREEN ARROW VOL.4 THE KILL MACHINE is a whole new ball game. This is what Green Arrow should have been from the start. A fresh new take allows for a new mythology with noir and grit, some good scenes, lovely art from Sorrentino, and plenty of issues for the buck. Sure, Ollie's frame up with poorly done, but this is so much better then before. If you're a fan of Green Arrow and ashamed of it before, give this a try. And new readers are welcomed to join along. Things are going to get real interesting when Ollie finally goes back to the island in Green Arrow Vol. 5 The Outsiders War (The New 52) (The New 52 Green Arrow).

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