Penmort Castle Ghosts and Reincarnation Book 3 edition by Kristen Ashley Paranormal Romance eBooks

Penmort Castle Ghosts and Reincarnation Book 3 edition by Kristen Ashley Paranormal Romance eBooks
I just gave this a 2nd read . . . I admit that I usually sort of speed read KA's novels since I love them so much & most of them I recall the basics but not all the details so the 2nd time around was just as awesome.Cash & Abby are great characters . . . and while he is a strong male lead (like all her male leads) he isn't an assbag that Abby has to break to get him to love her. It was/is a nice change.
Abby is a heart-broken widow that has had so much pain over such a small time that it is shocking that she could survive any of it.
The ONLY thing that I thought was well, off . . . is her age. I usually find it refreshing that not all KA's heroines are young (or 25) but with Abby being 38, I just thought it was a bit too "old" (not saying that is old, but saying that her character doesn't seem to be in her late thirties).
The ghost twist is a great addition. I love that there is mystery to the Castle. It makes me want to visit some of the real places in the UK that KA has based some her stories on!!

Tags : Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation Book 3) - Kindle edition by Kristen Ashley. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Kristen Ashley,Penmort Castle (Ghosts and Reincarnation Book 3),Kristen Ashley,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Fiction Romance Paranormal
Penmort Castle Ghosts and Reincarnation Book 3 edition by Kristen Ashley Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
If you have never read Kristen Ashley before, I would start with the Rock Chick or Dream Man Series. Ashley's ghost novels are far from her strongest work.
Having read everything else by Kristen Ashley whose books I greatly enjoy, I was willing to take a gamble on this novel. The first chapter was great, but ultimately the story descends into farce. The ghostly component of this story is beyond ludicrous. The main problem, though, is that neither of the two main characters are particularly appealing. Cash is overly arrogant and bossy -- even for a reader who enjoys alpha males. Abbie comes across as weak, needy, and shrill.
Ashley has the characters say what I was thinking as I read the book.
Abbie to Cash "You really shouldn't swear so much." I have to agree. I have no problem with the f word to emphasize emotion, but started to wonder how often I had seen it in this book. 173 times according to my ebook word count. Add to that f-ing at 110 times and it is just too much.
Abbie repeatedly refers to herself as stupid. "... she mentally kicked herself for being stupid, stupid, stupid." "I know it sounds stupid, we've only known each other a short time and blah, blah, blah..." (blah, blah, blah are the author's own words) "...trying to cut through her stupid, stupid, stupid stupidity." It is hard not to agree.
Errors abound throughout the novel and are a definite distraction. I think there must have been a sale on capital letters as there are scattered inappropriately throughout as are hyphenated phrases. There is even a funny one referring to "just deserts".
Add to these issues, some pretty lame dialogue ("You're lying again." "I am not." "You are." "Am not!") and this just becomes too exhausting to enjoy
I have never been disappointed by Kristen Ashley. Abigail Butler is a widow suffering the loss of a once in a life-time love, finding herself in financial trouble trying to hold onto a money-pit family home. So meets with Cash Fraser, notorious alpha male. She struggles with her choices and her affection for Cash as she decides to play his escort for a month while he visits Penmort Castle.
Abby is funny and quirky and loving and sweet. Her collection of friends and neighbors bring great, caring, funny moments. Abby and Cash's romance is a compelling and real relationship. Cash was one of the most controlling, pigheaded but sexy and irresistible guys you’ll ever come across. But he really comes to care for her quickly. He just needs to tell Abby. The scenes in this book makes the characters fully realized and wonderfully real.
The paranormal aspect of the book is not really used for the first half of the book. It does come into play in the end. It has a great end.
The first thing you should know is PENMORT CASTLE by Kristen Ashley is PNR-lite.
So if you're purely a speculative fiction reader and need creatures on every other page to enjoy a book, you should probably just move along.
BUT. If you do occasionally read straight-up contemporary romance or romantic suspense---excellent palate cleansers both, in my humble opinion---you're good to go.
You see . . . Kristen Ashley (KA) isn't for everyone. Those of us (and we are LEGION) who love KA, really love her. Make-our-significant-others-angry-b/c-refuse-to-put-down-the-book love her.
But those of you who don't love her want to kill her books with fire.
How do you know which one you'll be?
Well . . . do you
1. Like OTT alpha males?
I'm talking alpha males who do things that under any other (non-KA) circumstances would be unforgivable, but through some bizarre combination of extenuating circumstances and insight into character behavior (b/c excellently written POVs) is, in fact, forgivable?
2. Like truly unique and adorable heroines who are capable but not militant? Who appreciate rather than resent when a man opens her door?
Actually, that's all you need to ask yourself do you get angry when a man opens a door for you?
If yes, run far, far away. If no, and especially if you think it's a lovely gesture, then get to one-clicking (b/c indie author = CHEAP).
Abigail Butler has endured an astounding amount of loss in her adult life.
First she lost her mother to cancer, then her father followed a year later. A year after that, her sole remaining grandparent died, and then . . . her husband whom she desperately loved was killed in a car accident.
That was four years ago, and for the last year she's been living in the family home she inherited from her grandmother in England.
The family home that is a money pit.
The family home she refuses to lose like she's lost her family.
Money pits are expensive and Abby is broke.
*whispers* This is where the KA-ness starts to shine.
Abby's best friend overhears one of her husband's work colleagues lamenting a family situation his uncle, whom he hates, is in dire straights financially and trying to foist one of his (not blood-related) stepdaughters on him to marry.
This work colleague, Cash Fraser, is quite the catch and has women constantly throwing themselves at him, so he can't cool his uncle's heels by bringing 'round a girlfriend, b/c a "girlfriend" would have expectations.
"But what if," BFF says to herself, "he paid an escort to pretend to be his girlfriend? Abby could do that! And Cash is LOADED, so he could pay her enough to get her back on solid ground! YES. I must make this happen!"
And she does.
This is where you say to yourself, "KA-ness sounds an awful lot like convoluted ridiculousness," and ordinarily I'd agree. BUT. KA makes it work.
Beyond that, her characters are bloody fantastic. Meet Abby
Abby kept her hair down but blew it sleek to frame her face and she’d done her makeup in what she referred to in her wide array of makeup looks (an array she’d once enumerated to Ben while he nearly choked himself laughing even though she was not being funny) as “Smoky Evening”.
“Have you slept with him?”
Abby’s mouth dropped open.
“Don’t give me that look,” Jenny warned. “He’s hot. I was in your shoes, I’d sleep with him,” she announced baldly. “How long did you wait?”
“It happened Thursday,” Abby answered.
“You were always slow,” Jenny remarked.
Mrs. Truman
“I don’t think it’s that easy to get rid of a ghost,” Abby told the older woman.
“I didn’t say it’d be easy,” Mrs. Truman noted, waving the remains of her donut again. “I just said we’d sort something out.” She leaned forward and took a sip of coffee before sitting back and saying, “I know a few people. I’ll make some calls.”
“What’s going on?”
“I know what’s no’ going on,” Angus cut in impatiently, “and that’s the fact that no ghosty she-bitch is being hurtled over the side of the tower straight to the depths of hell. That’s what’s no’ going on.”
And that brings me to the paranormal element. Cash is the rightful heir of Penmort Castle and Penmort Castle is haunted by a malicious ghost who is determined to kill the true love of the rightful heir. And she's done it. Five times, not counting the first when she was still alive.
Ghosty she-bitch, indeed. *winks*
SO. If you haven't already tried Kristen Ashley and you haven't been scared off by my earlier qualifications, I recommend you do so. Sooner rather than laters, baby. Fall is the best time for ghosts. Highly recommended.
I just gave this a 2nd read . . . I admit that I usually sort of speed read KA's novels since I love them so much & most of them I recall the basics but not all the details so the 2nd time around was just as awesome.
Cash & Abby are great characters . . . and while he is a strong male lead (like all her male leads) he isn't an assbag that Abby has to break to get him to love her. It was/is a nice change.
Abby is a heart-broken widow that has had so much pain over such a small time that it is shocking that she could survive any of it.
The ONLY thing that I thought was well, off . . . is her age. I usually find it refreshing that not all KA's heroines are young (or 25) but with Abby being 38, I just thought it was a bit too "old" (not saying that is old, but saying that her character doesn't seem to be in her late thirties).
The ghost twist is a great addition. I love that there is mystery to the Castle. It makes me want to visit some of the real places in the UK that KA has based some her stories on!!

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