Frost Station Alpha The Complete Series eBook Ruby Lionsdrake

Frost Station Alpha The Complete Series eBook Ruby Lionsdrake
This book is a bit of a departure from the author's other work. She usually has few to no sex scenes in her books, although some have strong sexual tension. This book had a lot of sexual tension and a lot of sexual content. I almost gave the book four stars because it had more sexual content than I like, but the book was so good that I had to give it five stars.The opening battle scene grabbed my attention and I couldn't stop reading the book; I was hooked. The world building on both the research station and the rebels' planet was well done, so graphically depicted that it was easy to visualize the setting and to feel drawn into the action taking place. The writing is deceptive; it looks like a simple straightforward narrative, and then you realize how carefully the words are usually chosen and placed, so as to have the most impact. The reader sees, hears, smells and feels everything taking place, which is not an easy thing to create. As well, the book was very fast paced but didn't feel rushed.
Tamryn is a strong heroine and Makk is an adorable alpha hero. One reviewer commented that it was difficult to see Makk as a hero because of what he did in battle. I think part of the problem is the author's choice in calling the attackers "terrorists". That word has negative connotations, and as another reviewer pointed out, Makk's crew could be considered rebels. Using the word "rebels" puts the attack in a different light and gives their cause legitimacy. Regardless, Makk has morals and acts with honour, especially considering that he is fighting for the lives of his people, people who have been all but annihilated by the ancestors of those they are attacking. There is a lot of sexual tension between Tamryn and Makk, as they fight each other and the attraction they feel, since they are enemies.
What makes Makk endearing is his humility and his inner dialogue. He is instantly smitten by Tamryn, as in figuratively pole axed and swept off his feet. He doesn't know what hit him. His amusing inner thoughts about his reactions to both Tamryn and his unruly, uncooperative penis, as well as his goofy smiles whenever she tries to best him or kill him, and his little-boy-look hurt feelings, all combine to make him an engaging hero. Tamryn is his worthy match as a heroine. She is not his equal physically, but she holds her own against him, sometimes bests him, and never stops trying to outwit him, even as she falls in love with him.
I loved the way the sex scenes were written, erotic but not erotica. However, I felt there was too much space devoted to them. A little bit less would have been perfect.
I loved this book and couldn't put it down. It held my interest from beginning to end. The author has tackled a variety of genres, from clean reads to sensuous ones, fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, futuristic romance and contemporary fiction. She hasn't let me down, and continues to put out first-rate work. Highly recommend this book.

Tags : Frost Station Alpha: The Complete Series - Kindle edition by Ruby Lionsdrake. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Frost Station Alpha: The Complete Series.,ebook,Ruby Lionsdrake,Frost Station Alpha: The Complete Series,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera,FICTION Romance Science Fiction
Frost Station Alpha The Complete Series eBook Ruby Lionsdrake Reviews
For some reason, it took me a while to pick this book up from my electronic To Be Read pile. What a mistake! Ive read and enjoyed other Ruby Lionsdrake books, and am a big fan of the author's other books under a different name, but by far this is her best book yet as Ruby. It was originally published as a serial, which might be off putting to some readers, but there is no cause for concern. Although still divided into six parts in the Table of Contents, it flows seamlessly throughout. Of course, Charles Dickens published in serials too! In any event, I'm glad I finally got to it, and once I did, I found myself making time to read outside my usual routine to get back to it more quickly. The basic plot was interesting in itself, but its twists and turns and the rich detail of the story really made it compelling. I'm more a sci-fi fan than a sci-fi romance fan, but this book hit a good balance for me. The characters proved to be more complex than when they were introduced, the action was varied and realistic, there was a bit of humor, and no "magic wand" (literal or literary) was needed to bring the story to a close. In fact, I thought the ending was an innovative and entirely realistic way of resolving seemingly intractable issues among all the parties in the book. I hope Ms. Lionsdrake will consider writing other stand-alone novels like this one, because this one was a winner!
Wow. Seriously wow. I loved everything about this book. The storyline, the characters & the author's writing style.
The storyline is incredible. Genetically altered humans, created to be super soldiers, but then us weak humans get paranoid - what if said superior beings turn against against the rest of us? Exiled/banished to a barely inhabitable planet yet still managing to survive. Until the day a fraction rebel & decide they've had enough & attempt a coup to take over humanity only to lose due to the overwhelming imbalance in the population (normal vs super) and their world is nuked. But a select group survive with the help of cryogenics and after 150yrs when the treat of radiation finally subsides, they awaken. With a dead planet around them, they are faced with starvation & in desperation they attack a Fleet shuttle stationed in their planet's orbit.
There is enough action that I was in suspense almost throughout but interspersed with a very human (or rather super human!), touching story and a fiery connection between the 2 protagonists. At parts it was actually sad, how attracted both of them were to each other but both were duty bound to be enemies.
This is the 2nd book I've read from this author & both were absolutely amazing. Definitely an auto buy for me.
I have read other works by this author under her real name, and I am a great fan of her stories. But this book was a great disappointment. I don't mind a little romance in my science fiction, but this story seems as though it was written as an excuse for the sex scenes. The story line was not well thought out and just seemed to jump from one sexual encounter to another. There is a space station built to orbit an uninhabitable planet merely to collect items left behind by an alien race. Why? Wouldn't a ship that landed on the planet, collected these items and flown home been more logical? And if the people living on the planet had found these items as well as those living on the space station, why didn't they know about each other. The planet had been destroyed by nuclear weapons 150 years before this story took place, where did the animals come from? And if the planet HAD been a nuclear wasteland, why was it being explored and how did anyone know there were alien artifacts buried there? To me, the story had no history, no real reason for existing, other than to support the sex scenes, so it truly has no merit. So, I'm sorry, but this book deserves no better than a rating of one, especially because I know the author is so much better than the material contained in its pages.
This book is a bit of a departure from the author's other work. She usually has few to no sex scenes in her books, although some have strong sexual tension. This book had a lot of sexual tension and a lot of sexual content. I almost gave the book four stars because it had more sexual content than I like, but the book was so good that I had to give it five stars.
The opening battle scene grabbed my attention and I couldn't stop reading the book; I was hooked. The world building on both the research station and the rebels' planet was well done, so graphically depicted that it was easy to visualize the setting and to feel drawn into the action taking place. The writing is deceptive; it looks like a simple straightforward narrative, and then you realize how carefully the words are usually chosen and placed, so as to have the most impact. The reader sees, hears, smells and feels everything taking place, which is not an easy thing to create. As well, the book was very fast paced but didn't feel rushed.
Tamryn is a strong heroine and Makk is an adorable alpha hero. One reviewer commented that it was difficult to see Makk as a hero because of what he did in battle. I think part of the problem is the author's choice in calling the attackers "terrorists". That word has negative connotations, and as another reviewer pointed out, Makk's crew could be considered rebels. Using the word "rebels" puts the attack in a different light and gives their cause legitimacy. Regardless, Makk has morals and acts with honour, especially considering that he is fighting for the lives of his people, people who have been all but annihilated by the ancestors of those they are attacking. There is a lot of sexual tension between Tamryn and Makk, as they fight each other and the attraction they feel, since they are enemies.
What makes Makk endearing is his humility and his inner dialogue. He is instantly smitten by Tamryn, as in figuratively pole axed and swept off his feet. He doesn't know what hit him. His amusing inner thoughts about his reactions to both Tamryn and his unruly, uncooperative penis, as well as his goofy smiles whenever she tries to best him or kill him, and his little-boy-look hurt feelings, all combine to make him an engaging hero. Tamryn is his worthy match as a heroine. She is not his equal physically, but she holds her own against him, sometimes bests him, and never stops trying to outwit him, even as she falls in love with him.
I loved the way the sex scenes were written, erotic but not erotica. However, I felt there was too much space devoted to them. A little bit less would have been perfect.
I loved this book and couldn't put it down. It held my interest from beginning to end. The author has tackled a variety of genres, from clean reads to sensuous ones, fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, futuristic romance and contemporary fiction. She hasn't let me down, and continues to put out first-rate work. Highly recommend this book.

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