Scarlet Feather Maeve Binchy 9780451203779 Books

Scarlet Feather Maeve Binchy 9780451203779 Books
Scarlet Feather tells the tale of young Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather. They are in their mid-20's and fresh out of catering school. They are starting a high-end catering business in Dublin Ireland in the 1990's. Working Class Cathy is married to the posh Neil Mitchell, son of the family that Cathy's mom worked for as a maid. Handsome, tall Tom is in a long-term relationship with the beautiful Marcella, and is infatuated with her. Marcella's dream is to become a successful runway model. Tom and Cathy are very hard-working and determined to be successful. However many obstacles lie in their way....One of these obstacles is the posh Mitchell family itself. In fact it may be the only obstacle, but has many facets. Cousin Walt is a criminal who causes no end of trouble. Simon and Maud, twin children of a branch of the Mitchell family, are left on their own by their negligent parents and are essentially adopted by Cathy's family. They are fun characters, if not entirely realistic. Neil Mitchell, Cathy's husband, is a do-gooder who is more obsessed with fighting for various causes than being focused on his marriage and family.
Anyways, this book has 12 chapters titled by the months of the year. Cathy and Tom encounter many, many obstacles but persevere in their business. It is an absorbing read, and if you like Binchy you will like this book. It is kind of stressful to read it though. The book is fast paced, builds in tension, yet spins its wheels. Cathy and Tom don't get a break until about December, close to the end of the novel. It is basically stressful situations that repeat, and amplify slightly throughout the novel until the breaking point is reached. Some relationships fall apart, and some are cemented further together.
Binchy, as usual tie together a number of characters in a novel that is not plot-heavy, but is fun to read and re-read, and has a lovely Irish lyrical quality to the writing. Cathy and Tom have cameos in later Binchy novels, as do Cathy's family and their neighborhood, but this is their only starring role. If you are a fan of Binchy (which I am), especially her later novels, this is a must-read.

Tags : Scarlet Feather [Maeve Binchy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Two friends struggle to balance their personal and professional lives in this charming novel from acclaimed author Maeve Binchy.</b> They met in cooking school and became fast friends with a common dream. Now Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather hope to take Dublin by storm with their newly formed catering company,Maeve Binchy,Scarlet Feather,Berkley,0451203771,Romance - Contemporary,Caterers and catering,Domestic fiction,Dublin (Ireland),Friendship,FICTION Family Life General,FICTION General,FICTION Literary,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Women,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction-Romance,General,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),irish romance novels;maeve binchy books;romance novels;romance books;literary fiction books;contemporary women;women's fiction;literary fiction;irish fiction;contemporary;romance;love;dating and relationships;friendship;family life;drama;Dublin;Ireland;irish;catering;cooking;food;personal relationships;new business;entrepreneurs;uplifting;family;gifts for women;fiction;novels;gifts for her;fiction books;women;literature;books fiction;realistic fiction books;women gifts;saga;chick lit,contemporary women; women's fiction; literary fiction; irish fiction; contemporary; romance; love; dating and relationships; friendship; family life; drama; Dublin; Ireland; irish; catering; cooking; food; personal relationships; new business; entrepreneurs; uplifting; irish romance novels; maeve binchy books; romance novels; romance books; literary fiction books; family; gifts for women; fiction; gifts for her; fiction books; women; women gifts; literature; chick lit; knitting; novels; realistic fiction books; books fiction
Scarlet Feather Maeve Binchy 9780451203779 Books Reviews
I love Maeve Binchy books, but this one took me forever to read. Nothing much happens, it was a slow read. The ending was very predictable. It wasn’t a bad story, just not exciting.
Following the publication dates, I am in the process of reading all of Maeve Binchy's books. So far this is my favorite one. I was able to keep good track of all of the characters and thoroughly enjoyed reading about the twins. Was not surprised at the ending--could see it coming and could certainly understand and accept it.
Two friends start a catering business. The path to success is littered with difficult clients, a devastating burglary, and acclaim. Family and friends draw together and sometimes fall apart. Binchy deftly creates touching and intimate scenes, including a man and his dogs and the race horses he loves - and all those who love him. Well-described motley crew of characters averts maudlinoscity. Many characters appear in later books. A book to read and reread.
Every time that I read a novel by Maeve Binchy I am convinced that it is the best novel that I have ever read and that was ever written. Then I pick up another novel by Maeve Binchy and am convinced that the new selection is the best novel read or written. Her style, characters, and plots are so tight and consistent, there is never anything that could be better If you enjoy reading outstanding novels then Maeve Binchy should be your first choice.
I love Scarlet Feather and find something new each time I go back to it. She began a series of the residents of St. Jarlath's Crescent with this book and you find out about the working class neighborhoods and the wealthier people as well. Cathy Scarlet from a working class family is married to Neil Mitchell who is one of the wealthy. His parents do not approve and had hoped the marriage wouldn't work out. Neil is a civil rights lawyer and I hated him from the beginning. He always put his career needs first no matter Cathy needed him for. When she became pregnant, he was furious and said they hadn't wanted babies and why had this happened. (He apparently forgot it takes 2 to make a baby.) When she needed him for legal advice for her company dealing with insurance, oh no he was much too busy to help her. When his 2 little cousins were abandoned by their parents pretty much, he did as little as possible to help until he began to get interested in the children's social worker. The final straw was when Cathy's catering company was featured on a TV show he didn't bother to watch or record. He was too busy seeing to his own career needs. Fortunately, Cathy finally saw the light and dumped him. Tom Feather her business partner is a laid back kind of guy who can act like a ladies man in a pinch. He was involved with Marcella until she lied to him once too often. Cathy's parents took over with Neil's cousins and became their foster parents when Neil's mother threw them out of the house and their parents didn't want them at the time. I loved this book. Yes, there are a lot of characters, but I never felt there were too many or it was too confusing. In "Minding Frankie" she winds up the stories of the residents of St. Jarlath's Crescent nicely but sadly. I will miss Maeve Binchy's work.
"Scarlet Feather" immediately captured my attention and held it throughout the entire. book. I didn't want to see it end. I was very much involved with the characters, be they good or bad. I cheered on the good ones and hoped the bad ones would be punished for their hateful actions. While "suspenseful" might be slightly overstated in describing the mood of the book (I always think of murder mysteries when describing a book as suspenseful) this book was filled with a plethora of surprises that are attributed to many of the characters , both good and bad, The reader becomes very involved in.all these happenings that in some cases are best termed as very exciting and in other cases may be best described as suspenseful. One way or another, they keep the reader on the edge of his or her chair!!
Scarlet Feather tells the tale of young Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather. They are in their mid-20's and fresh out of catering school. They are starting a high-end catering business in Dublin Ireland in the 1990's. Working Class Cathy is married to the posh Neil Mitchell, son of the family that Cathy's mom worked for as a maid. Handsome, tall Tom is in a long-term relationship with the beautiful Marcella, and is infatuated with her. Marcella's dream is to become a successful runway model. Tom and Cathy are very hard-working and determined to be successful. However many obstacles lie in their way....
One of these obstacles is the posh Mitchell family itself. In fact it may be the only obstacle, but has many facets. Cousin Walt is a criminal who causes no end of trouble. Simon and Maud, twin children of a branch of the Mitchell family, are left on their own by their negligent parents and are essentially adopted by Cathy's family. They are fun characters, if not entirely realistic. Neil Mitchell, Cathy's husband, is a do-gooder who is more obsessed with fighting for various causes than being focused on his marriage and family.
Anyways, this book has 12 chapters titled by the months of the year. Cathy and Tom encounter many, many obstacles but persevere in their business. It is an absorbing read, and if you like Binchy you will like this book. It is kind of stressful to read it though. The book is fast paced, builds in tension, yet spins its wheels. Cathy and Tom don't get a break until about December, close to the end of the novel. It is basically stressful situations that repeat, and amplify slightly throughout the novel until the breaking point is reached. Some relationships fall apart, and some are cemented further together.
Binchy, as usual tie together a number of characters in a novel that is not plot-heavy, but is fun to read and re-read, and has a lovely Irish lyrical quality to the writing. Cathy and Tom have cameos in later Binchy novels, as do Cathy's family and their neighborhood, but this is their only starring role. If you are a fan of Binchy (which I am), especially her later novels, this is a must-read.

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