Broken Promises Broken Series Volume 1 Dawn Pendleton 9781484088517 Books

Broken Promises Broken Series Volume 1 Dawn Pendleton 9781484088517 Books
I really hate to write negative reviews, and I tried to like this book. I really did. It had a great cover and a decent premise. But from the dizzying info dump in the first 20+ pages to the shallow and selfish main character, to the EXTREMELY uncomfortable word choices (ie "blow my load") during the love scenes...just, no. The romance struck me as shallow and kind of mean, and the fact that the main character obsessed only about how her father's cancer made HER feel just made me want to hate her. I probably won't be picking up the next book in the series.
Tags : Broken Promises (Broken Series) (Volume 1) [Dawn Pendleton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. After three years in Boston attending college, Mallory Wells has come home to Casper, Maine to care for her father,Dawn Pendleton,Broken Promises (Broken Series) (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1484088514,Adult & contemporary romance,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Romance - Contemporary,Romance: Modern
Broken Promises Broken Series Volume 1 Dawn Pendleton 9781484088517 Books Reviews
Don't get me wrong. The feeling was more if I liked it or not. The book has its ups and downs but most of the ups did not give me enough reason to say this is one great story.
Some of the story's premises sounded stupid. For example, how could a daughter not see that her father is suffering from cancer? He may be able to hide it for a time but the health condition will definitely catch up with the patient one way or another, physically. I understand that her father loved her so much and doesn't want her to suffer with him, but to tell her then boyfriend instead may have been a selfish move. So there is no way that you could blame Mallory for moving away because her boyfriend suddenly doesn't want to be part of a future that you two have supposedly carved together. And nobody had the nerve to tell her the truth?
I have not seen in real or in fiction that men could be talkative and openly discuss their woman-issues. They are usually full of pride and male ego that they don't want others to know if they are having problems with their woman. Luke was different and the rest of his male friends. They candidly expressed their feelings towards their woman. Wouldn't that be weird?
The only good thing that I found in the story is how Luke selflessly sacrificed what he has and went after Mallory so that the two of them could have their HEA after all. That was even if the uncertainty if Mallory will accept loomed inside Luke's mind.
Even with those confusing plots I have actually enjoyed this book. Nice, fast and easy.
Mallory faces the death of her father and with her feeling for her small home town, best friends, and her first love. The event that the story unfolds around is a sad one. Once you get passed this you find the humor and the personalities and relationships start to unfold.
I always like a good book with a leap of faith gesture. The way Luke packs it up and heads to Boston is one of those great gestures. Who could have resisted? I am glad the pairings in the book are hinting at more book for the other couples. This is another one of my favorite types of series. The series that continue but don't linger solely on one couple.
I found myself having a hard time getting past Mallory really not knowing her father was sick for such a long period of time. I would have like to see more background over their relationship since she had gone back to college. How much did they speak? How often did he visit with her? Just a little more depth into the father-daughter relationship.
If learning to trust your heart, facing fears, and making sacrifices all in the name of love is your cup of tea, this is the book for you. In addition there are relationships introduced in this book that will have you wanting to continue the series. Looking forward to seeing what blossoms between Rainey and Baker.
This was an interesting book for me, and not so easy to review. I read a lot of reviews before and after I read it and I seem to have a very different view of the main protagonists of Mallory and Luke, as well as several of the supporting characters.
The story was an excellent one, not shying away from real world issues and the darker side of love,life, and romance. For me, I felt like the romance aspect was less in the forefront than the emotional struggles that went on over the course of the story. And the struggles were real. Cancer, insecurity, broken promises, judgment. The book was a bit of emotional roller coaster, with me on the verge of tears one moment and giggling the next.
The characters were what made this book. Whether you loved them and related them or they annoyed you, they had an affect on you as a reader experiencing their stories. My favorite supporting character was Mallory's dad. He was full of love, understanding, and acceptance and I loved that about him. Baker, Wolfe, and Gabby (all supporting characters) were also characters I could like, even if this book didn't delve into their back stories as much.
That leaves Gabby, Rainey, Mallory, and Luke. Most reviews I read didn't mention much about the supporting characters, but seemed to love Luke and be annoyed with Mallory. I had the completely opposite experience. My issues with Gabby were with her own story, and how flippant and vague she was with her estranged husband and the impending end of their marriage. It came off as immature and mean and it totally turned me off. But she also was one of the few people that seemed to be a truly good friend to Mallory. Mallory. Everyone else seems to see her as self-centered, self-absorbed, and bratty, even the author. I didn't get that at all. I felt like she got a raw deal from most of the characters in this book. She isn't perfect, of course, but I felt like a good portion of the story was bashing her, judging her and making assumptions against her. And that annoyed the hell out of me. Mallory left town after high school for college, to the detriment of her relationship with Luke. And she was vilified for that choice. She needed to get out, to find herself, and learn about herself outside a teeny town and part of a couple. I'm sorry, but that seems like something that we all have every right to do. She didn't see her father's illness because he hid it from her, but she was vilified for not noticing. She didn't come home, instead having her father visit her, because of the memories of her hometown and she was vilified. She came home to be with her dad when she finally did find out and she was vilified. There were times when the guy annoyed me so much with his assumptions and judgments and lack of understanding that I wanted to reach through my and slap him. Then two seconds later, he would be the perfect Book Boyfriend. And below, what a horrible thing to say and it came from Luke. That's when he truly began to annoy me.
“You’re such a spoiled rotten brat, Mallory. If you cared, even once, for someone besides yourself, you would let Joe die in peace,” he barked.
Neither Luke or her BFF Rainey seemed to have any respect for the fact that Mallory was having a rough time adjust to her father's death. They expected her to be over it immediately, within days. The quote below, just one of many, is from Rainey, and I just thought it was ill-timed and mean.
“Oh yeah, so rough . You got to spend the last few days with your dad and have a conversation with him. Mine died in a car accident three weeks after I moved to LA. No goodbyes there. The man who loves you only wants you to be happy, even if it’s not with him, you poor thing. Run away to Boston, Mallory. Just like you did after high school,” she sneered, and tore out of the house with Gabby chasing her.
These attitudes are what kept me from giving this a four full mugs. And I am self-aware enough to know that it might not be as objective as I try to be. The attitudes about Mallory's grieving spoke to me in a personal way and it was hard to separate that from reading. I have been, and still am, in a position similar to Mallory's. Being judged and scorned in times of grief is terrible and no one should go through that.
My recommendation Despite my issues, I did truly enjoy the book. I just felt that the cruelty to Mallory was off-putting. But I think that may just be me. I have already bought the next two books and have started the second, so I would definitely recommend it for lovers of chick lit, contemporary romance, and new adult books. I gave it a 3.5 stars
I really hate to write negative reviews, and I tried to like this book. I really did. It had a great cover and a decent premise. But from the dizzying info dump in the first 20+ pages to the shallow and selfish main character, to the EXTREMELY uncomfortable word choices (ie "blow my load") during the love scenes...just, no. The romance struck me as shallow and kind of mean, and the fact that the main character obsessed only about how her father's cancer made HER feel just made me want to hate her. I probably won't be picking up the next book in the series.

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